Well, still sore this morning. Legs and back are pretty much recovered but both my chest, and especially my abs are still pretty cooked. Unfortunately had a bad day of eating, wolfed down a couple slices of pizza at work, but everything else was clean paleo food. Kind of odd. I wasn’t really craving them, but I ate them almost in a preemptive action so that I don’t go on some ridiculous binge a week down the road. Either way it didn’t upset my stomach at all, but I will say that it made by head feel a little funny. Feeling great though, and definitely getting leaner, I think I’m closing in on that 10% body fat level, all while getting stronger.

For time:
100 Pull-ups
100 Push-ups
100 Sit-ups
100 Squats


Have to say I’m pumped on the workout. Again between my overall good eating the last couple of weeks, and the programming that I am designing my gains seem to be going quite well. I dropped 4:10 off my last “Angie” time which was the beginning of December. A lot of it was in the pull-ups, I think I chopped around 3 minutes off the time in pull-ups alone. I find this interesting because I was worried that I wasn’t programming enough pull-ups over the last month or so. I guess the weighted strict pull-ups, cleans, and high-pulls have more then made up for it though. I didn’t burn myself out on the pull-ups either this time. I did 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 5 for the rest with 10 seconds rest in between each set, took about 7 minutes. Push-ups and sit-ups were again pretty slow going, especially the sit-ups given how sore my abs were, blasted the squats out without stopping. Sure is a brutal end to this workout. Did the sit-ups unanchored again so that I could accurately compare times, next time this one comes around I’m going to anchor my feet to see what kind of a time difference it makes. Solid workout, and looking forward to hitting it hard tomorrow. Cheers.

– Jade