I actually ate pretty well yesterday, although I did go to a holiday party where there was a good amount of alcohol consumed so I guess that kind of cancels out the good day that it would have been. Again my intake doesn’t take into account any alcohol.

12/11/09 Intake
1939 Calories
Fat 101 grams 47%
Carbs 80 grams 17%
Protein 171.5 grams 36%
Fiber 21 grams
Cholesterol 1196mg

Extremely sore this morning pretty much all around. I think my chest is getting stronger, at least in proportion to my bodyweight because the push-ups in the burpees yesterday didn’t really bother me too much considering I ended up doing a 115 of them, but I guess that’s not a ton over 20 minutes. My lats are sore from catching my body when dropping into the burpee and my legs are destroyed. I did my squats yesterday with a stance a little wider than normal and I’m really feeling it on the inside of my legs. Definitely a needed rest day after 3 hard days of training. Hopefully I can keep up the nutrition for more than a day. Cheers.

– Jade