Had to take a rest day today. My body is incredibly sore, and my chest is just destroyed after already being sore yesterday and then hitting the ole bench press which I haven’t touched in like 4 months. Surprisingly not as sore in the trap and lower back area as I thought I would have been. Abs are destroyed, again from all the sit-ups on Friday and then the toes-to-bar yesterday. Not only sore today but feeling pretty beat as well. I slept awful last night. I’ve had this little itch in the back of my throat all week and it is starting to cause some pretty intense coughing. It kept me up for a while at 4 AM last night, wasn’t to psyched. It’s weird because I don’t really feel sick, and it honestly just feels like a feather is itching my throat. Anyway looking forward to hitting “Angie” tomorrow, going to work a couple minutes off my time. Interesting article regarding strength here. I’m going to order one of Ripp’s books in the next week or two along with a bunch of other nutrition and training books. Cheers.

– Jade