Been back on Paleo for about 24 hours now. Hopefully it isn’t to brutal getting back on it, but I’m sure my body has to go through the whole process of converting to using fat for energy again. Feeling pretty worked from yesterday actually. My chest and core are pretty sore, and my traps are quite sore. So happily surprised with that, to me sore is good. Since my traps were already sore I knew they were going to get worked today as I was spending a good amount of time on the rower.


For time:
500m Row
75 Push-ups
75 Sit-ups
1000m Row
50 Push-ups
50 Sit-ups
1500m Row
25 Push-ups
25 Sit-ups


So this was a pretty brutal workout, so much pulling. Afterward I hopped on the pull-up bar to show my buddy what a muscle-up was and it just wasn’t there, my back was gassed. I was quite happy with my rowing, for the duration of the 3K I was averaging a 1:51 500m time which I think is decent given the distance and the other stuff I was doing in between. First round of push-ups destroyed me and took forever. I did like 30, 10, and then between 3-5 at a time to finish it out. Definitely took a while. Sit-ups were tough as well but I was able to get through them with little or no rest. Sit-ups were also unanchored no ab mat. After the workout my arms were absolutely torched, and my chest was incredibly pumped. Have a feeling I’m going to be sore tomorrow, I know my chest will be sore. Tomorrow I’ve got some more rowing to do so we’ll see how that goes. Cheers.

– Jade