Feeling great this morning after a solid day of rest. I ate extremely poorly last night at work. Lost my will power and overindulged in pizza and some other treats. With inspiration from the CF Football website I’m going to start throwing up some pictures of food I’m eating. Make people hungry, and crave the good stuff. I’ll try and put something up every day.  This morning breakfast was an entire avocado, a mango, and 5 eggs scrambled, yokes and all. Definitely a huge breakfast but it kept me full most of the day. I ate it a couple of hours after I got up and it lasted me until about 4:00. Lots of fat, probably not quite enough protein, and plenty of sugar and carbs from the mango. Bought this food with my tip money from last night, I get paid tomorrow, and get my student loan check as well, so I’ll be able to go get a bunch of groceries. Can’t wait for some good eating for a while. All strength work today.


DB Bulgarian Split Squat: 50×5, 50×5, 50×5
DB Single Leg Deadlift: 50×5, 50×5, 50×5

Bench Press: 185×5, 190×5, 195×5
Toes-to-bar: 10, 10, 10

Solid training today. I haven’t done bulgarian split squats in so long. I forgot how damn brutal they are. I can feel my legs worked right now, and I’m sure I’m going to be sore tomorrow. I have to say I was extremely pumped on my bench. I figured 185 would be damn tough to get through the 3 sets. First set was fine, but I didn’t want to get to excited so I only upped it 5lbs, but then 3rd set I was still good for another 5lbs. 15lbs more than my body weight for 5 reps is pretty decent I think, especially since I’ve benched once in the last 4 months. I think I could hit 205×5 fresh. Form on the bench was really good to, tucked elbows, no bounce on the chest. Felt good and strong, and it was nice to see some good weights after my piss poor training on Tuesday. A quick note the grouping of exercises means they were done as super-sets. Cheers.

– Jade