Felt really refreshed and ready to go this morning. Not sore at all which is what I expected. Got a WOD in right when I woke up, so worked out after about a 12 hour fast. Clean eating thus far today.


250 Single-unders

Finish 250 Unanchored Sit-ups AQAP: At the beginning of every minute do 5 Power Snatches at 75lbs


200m Sled Walk Backwards 165lbs

Training was solid today. Hit all 250 single-unders unbroken. So definitely progress over those from last week. Met-con was solid. Not overly difficult. Abs were hurting, but again it wasn’t too difficult, just kept a consistent pace. I think I should have done the power snatches a little heavier, definitely 85lb, maybe 95lb. I was able to do them all unbroken quite easily. Abs are definitely going to be sore tomorrow though. Did a single extended sled walk to end the workout. 100 meters was uphill, then turned around and came back down, on the down I picked up the pace a little bit, more running backwards. Quads were on fire at the end. Rest day tomorrow, but I’ll likely be out in the woods doing trail work so I’ll certainly be on my feet. Cheers.

– Jade