I was a bit sore this morning. My hamstrings are feeling it a bit from the good mornings and my lower back has just not recovered from last Thursday, and is still hurting this morning. I remember when I got into strength training I read Arnold’s “Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding” and he said if you really hit your lower back hard it can take up to a week to recover. That is certainly holding true after doing McGhee last week. Probably the wrong thing to do, but given how good my knees have been feeling I started doing sets of 10-15 air squats throughout the day, and put a squatting movement into my workout. Solid clean eating all day except for a spoonful of ice cream before bed, literally right before bed, not sure what that was about. Definitely feeling a little leaner and stronger though, feel awesome.
Snatch Grip Deadlift: 225×3, 3, 3, 3, 3
3 rounds AQAP:
10 Power Snatch 95lb
20 Sumo Deadlift High-pull 95lb
30 Walking Lunges
Workout felt solid. The deads felt strong, and were definitely a little light. Did the first couple of sets with a hook grip, but that was incredibly painful. Next 3 sets I went with a straight double overhand grip and I was able to hold on fine. I think I’ll stick with the traditional grip to keep increasing grip strength, and revert to a hook grip when it’s absolutely necessary. Met-con was brutal, worked through the power snatches in all 3 rounds at a good consistent pace,  couple times had to remember to really create momentum at the top so that there wasn’t a little press out. High-pulls were rough, I have a little trouble keeping the bar parallel with the ground as I get tired. Really made sure to emphasize the hip and foot extension to help drive the weight. Walking lunges felt fine, not overly hard, but I was working plenty. Pretty happy with my time, wasn’t sure what to shoot for, I figured under 10 minutes would be good. Definitely was a good met-con, intensity stayed nice and high throughout the workout. Rest day tomorrow, but I may do some accessory/maintenance work. We shall see. Cheers.
– Jade