Ah, still so sore this morning, maybe even more sore than yesterday morning. Sticking to the Paleo well, it’s been almost 3 days now. Feeling pretty run down but I know it will turn around in a couple more days. Because of the soreness and lack of energy I was dreading training a bit, but I still got in the garage and had a solid workout.


Snatch Grip High Pull: 135×3, 135×3, 140×3, 145×3, 145×3

4 rounds for time
500m Row
15 Burpees


Training was definitely solid. The Snatch Grip High Pulls were definitely more difficult than I was expecting but I felt good on them, and was getting the bar right up to my chin. I always forget how deep of a position the snatch is at the start, could really feel it in my hip flexors at the bottom. After watching some misc. training videos I’m going to start paying more attention to my shoulder position when doing deads, cleans, snatches, etc. Really focused on that today. Met-con was pretty rough, after all that rowing the other day my body was definitely hurting, same goes for the burpees given how sore my chest, lats, and abs were. Pulled an average of 1:52/500m through the duration of the 2000m. Burpees were good. I experimented with doing them like I saw in the games videos just letting your entire body lie flat on the ground and then get back up. Definitely easier, and I think I’m going to stick with my original way of doing a legit push-up in each one. Solid day of training despite the lackluster energy, hopefully it picks up tomorrow. Cheers.

– Jade