Got up early today, for me at least. Was up at 6 AM, actually woke up 1 minute before my alarm clock went off. That happens to me quite a bit, really odd. Anyway got out in the woods to do some trail work. Mostly leaf blowing but moved some larger debris as well. Probably ended up hiking a couple of miles, maybe 3. Despite the workout yesterday not feeling that hard by abs are hurting quite a bit. My back feels a little funky to, I attribute this to all the sit-ups and no ab mat. Going to start mixing in the superman and hollow super set every few days. Did a group WOD today with 5 friends which was great. Good to work with a larger group. Nice to have a rest day, going to hit it hard tomorrow, probably going to do the new Hero WOD from the main-site. Dreading it already. Cheers.

– Jade