Woke up this morning in some pain, but surprisingly not as bad as last night. My legs feel better, but the entire middle of my back, top to bottom is pretty sore, I’m sure from the intense rowing yesterday. Hit the gym early this morning, before eating which I’ve done the last few days. Another solid day of eating today, no cheats at all. I had a mango this morning, which I haven’t had in quite a long time, and damn they are amazing. Going to have to pick those up more often given how cheap they are.


Overhead Squat: 135×5, 125×5, 125×5

3 Rounds for time
400m Run/(1/4 mile on treadmill)
21 55lb Kettlebell Swings
12 Pull-ups


Training was pretty solid today. Was happy with my first set of overhead squats, heavier than I’ve ever done before, and probably a little to heavy. I wasn’t willing to risk dropping the bar, which I almost did, so I dropped the weight down a little bit. These babies were definitely hurting my wrists quite a bit, but other then that I felt pretty good about them. I had 5 sets programmed but dropped it to 3 given my overall soreness, and I was looking to crush the met-con.

Helen went really well. Dropped almost a minute from my previous time. I will say the whole using the treadmill deal probably adds 20-30 seconds to the time so if I could freely run, I think I’d be looking at something closer to 8:45 which I think is a decent time, possibly lower as it’s easier to push the run on the ground than on the treadmill. All the swings and pull-ups were done unbroken which I was pumped about, and I made sure the swings were all good and high, with the kettlebell directly overhead a la 2009 games in the 8 minute AMRAP. Definitely a solid day training but I am so looking forward to a rest day tomorrow. Cheers.

– Jade