It’s my birthday today, so I figured I’d get myself a PR on something as a present. Feeling fine, no new soreness, but still some existing soreness in my legs from Tuesday’s workout. Another beautiful day today which was great, enabled me to workout outside. Kicking the nutrition to the curb for the weekend, so not even going to stress about that. Going to pick it back up Monday.


3 rounds AQAP:
5 Muscle-up Progressions (muscle-up starting on knees with arms at full extension)
10 Power Snatch 95lb
20 Wall Ball 8lb/10ft


Snatch Singles: 95, 115, 125, 135, 145, 155

Workout was solid. Met-con felt good, was happy with my technique and pace. Would have been nice to have a heavier med ball, but the ones I bought are for less conditioned people. Was thinking of originally upping the reps on the wall ball to compensate for the weight, but I didn’t want to aggravate my knees too much. After the met-con I decided to do snatches, I was going to do some sort of strength work, and it has been months since I’ve done any snatches so this seemed and appropriate thing to work on. Now that I’ve got some bumpers I don’t have to worry about dropping the bar. Hit a 20lb PR which I was pumped about. Not sure how my technique was but I was doing these as a full snatch, landing in the bottom of an overhead squat and standing up. Pretty pumped, and not too far off from my bodyweight now, only about 25lbs. Solid training, going to take a couple days off now, and resume training Monday. Cheers.

– Jade