Feeling great this morning. Lower back is actually still a little sore. Have eaten strict paleo all day today. Bed in a couple of hours so I should have another solid clean day of eating. Got to use some of my new equipment this afternoon which was nice. Weather is starting to get really nice, possible 60’s this weekend which means I’m getting out on the mountain bike. Knees are aching pretty bad right now, they were doing a lot better but today they are hurting quite a bit. Going to keep massaging, stretching, and foam rolling. Hopefully they feel better in the morning.


40 Yard Sled Sprint: Bodyweight x2, 30×2, 75×2, 120×4

Overhead Squat: 45×10, 65×10, 95×10, 115×10

Workout felt good. The sled pulls were up a decent grade which made them that much harder. The first two “bodyweight” were just all out sprints no sled or anything. Sled itself weight 30lbs so that is what I started with and went up from there. Really felt my hams and glutes working when I got into the heavier weights. I also walked back the 40 yards pulling the sled, but at a leisurely pace. Overhead squats I was happy with although they seemed to bother my knees a bit. Happy with the weight and the last set was a real struggle. Almost lost the weight on a few reps. It’s nice having some bumpers plates now so that I can drop the bar. Last set of overhead squats really hurt my wrists. Definitely some serious pressure on them, I haven’t done overhead squats with much weight in quite some time so hopefully my wrists will get used to it again. Looking forward to some solid training again tomorrow morning. Cheers.

– Jade