Felt good this morning, but boy was I sore. My entire posterior chain is pretty cooked. Hams, lower back and traps are all quite sore, the rest feels tired. Continued to eat well, strict paleo again today, 5 days now, feel great. Loving the crock pot, it is definitely making eating paleo a little easier. Makes it so I’m not cooking quite as much. Going to try the stuffed peppers this week that just got posted on Mark’s Daily Apple. Knees are definitely feeling better, they are still bothering me a bit at work when I’m standing on concrete for 6-8 hours but other than that they are pretty good. Solid training session today.


5 rounds for time
50lb DB Push Press 10 reps
400m Run


Front Squat: 45×8, 8, 8

Happy with my training again today. Worked on that mental barrier and again used it to push through some reps. I managed to do all the sets of push presses unbroken, granted I did let the dumbbells “rest” in a rack position a few times. Was really happy with that, pushed on the runs. The runs are one of those things that sometimes I forgot to push as I get lulled into a pace. Having another person to train with would be nice for things like that. Front squats felt pretty good. Was having a little trouble keeping my chest all the way up, but otherwise they felt good and weren’t bothering my knees. Going to keep easing in the squat movements, a little more weight each time and see how it goes. I think I’m going to just rock some accessory work tomorrow, no met-con or strength work. Cheers.

– Jade