Holy sore this morning still. My shoulders and tris are even worse than they were yesterday. In addition my lats and calves are pretty sore. Thinking the lats soreness is from a combination of pulling a little too much on the kettlebell snatches yesterday, but also from supporting my body when doing push-ups. Calves are definitely sore from the box jumps which were completely new to me. By the end of the day my abs were actually a bit sore as well. Not really sure where the hell that came from but they hurt and that’s good I guess. Went for a pedal on the mountain bike today. Nothing long or hard, just good to get out on the bike. Got my first little fall out of the way, and I’m pumped to get as much riding in this season as possible. Finished up the plyo boxes this morning, at least the construction part, they are all ready to be painted and get urethane. I’d say I’ve got about 8-10 hours of work left to do on them and they will be ready to go. Will be so nice to have them done. Rest day tomorrow. Cheers.

– Jade