Still incredibly sore in my calf area this morning. I’ve actually had a bit of soreness creep into my lats as well. Felt overly tired today and did a bunch of extra sleeping as today is pretty much just a homework day for me. Couldn’t do my programmed WOD because of the state my hands were in. Should hopefully be able to do it on Monday. Because of my torn up hands I was a bit limited on what I could do, so no high intensity stuff, just some basic strength work.

Back Squat: 135×5, 185×5, 5, 5, 5

HSPU: 2 Steel 45lb Plate Depth x 5, 5, 5

GHD Hip Extension: 12, 10, 10

Bench Press: 135×5, 195×3, 185×4

Did the squats today to see what happens with my knees. I went with lighter weight and really focused on form, and the areas that I was told I need to work on at the Level 1 cert. I could definitely feel a difference in my legs working, a lot more glute activation by keeping my chest up more, probably put my weight a little more on my heels. I was happy with the HSPU’s they felt pretty strong, I can do 1 full HSPU head to floor, so I’m definitely making progress. Spread my legs out a bunch which I’ve never done before, sure helped a lot with balance. Hip extension’s were good I did these by making a platform with reebok steppers and putting a barbell in a squat rack and putting weights on it to put my feet under. Definitely felt weak, and this is a piece of accessory work I’m going to pay more attention to. Bench press was good, a little weak given what I’d done a few weeks ago, but still pretty good given all the jerks I did yesterday and the HSPU’s I did today. Solid day of training, rest day tomorrow, and I think my hands should be good to go by Monday to hit my programmed WOD. Cheers.

– Jade