Feeling great this morning, I can’t believe it but there is still a hint a of soreness in my glutes. Wow. Back and shoulders feel fine from Friday. Energy levels are starting to pick back up and I’m starting to notice my high level of satiety from being back on the high fat, high protein diet. Ate strict paleo again today, feels so great. Got out of work today and was pumped to hit the weights. A little scared/nervous because I knew the workout would be pretty destructive, but I pumped myself up for it and hit it hard.


For time:
21-15-9 225lb Deadlift
750m, 500m, 250m Row


Air Squat: 15, 15, 15

Training was really solid today. I did about 10 minutes of stretching and rolling, then 1K on the rower and then did my met-con. I was honestly a little nervous going into the workout, mainly because I knew the workout was going to be tough. I can remember the 21-15-9 deads at 225lb being pretty rough, and I figured then hopping on the rower which is primarily posterior chain would really kill me. To my surprise I really killed the workout. I blasted through each set of the deads unbroken and had a little bit of a mental breakthrough. On the second round of deads I hit rep 7 and thought to myself I’d get to 10 set it down for a few seconds and bang out the last 5. I hit 10 and pushed that thought out of my head and just kept pushing. The set of 9 deads was definitely the hardest, but I was super happy with my form on the deads, I felt strong, and all the pull came from my posterior chain. Rowing was a little slow, I think about 1:52 for the total rowing distance, but I was really feeling it in my glutes, hams, and lower back. Afterward I did some air squats to work on my form and see how my knees would react. They felt fine for the most part during the squats, and they still feel pretty good right now. Just did a bunch of foam/lacrosse ball rolling and stretching. Hopefully I feel good in the morning. Going to get back on my normal schedule so I’ll be training the next few days. Cheers.

– Jade