Wow, felt like crap this morning. I broke the ole paleo last night, had 3 beers, over about 3 hours. Didn’t feel buzzed even, but I think the alcohol contributed to some bad sleep last night, and just put me in an off state today. I had a cheat today as well, about 1.5oz of Cheddar Cheese. My roommate had it out and I hadn’t had it in quite some time, no lactose in it really, and my stomach felt fine. Traps, lower back, and hamstrings are hurting pretty good from yesterday. Felt good otherwise, and motivated myself to get a workout in despite my tired/off feeling.


500m Row
5 rounds of
10 Ring Push-ups,
20 Sit-ups
30 Air Squats
500m Row


Training felt good. I wanted to do a met-con where I was doing some squats to see how my knees would react. So far pretty good, a couple little aches here and there, but nothing that is persistent. The met-con was solid, and worked me hard. Squats gave a solid burn, sit-ups felt good, and ring push-ups were tough. Had the rings 3-4″ off the ground and was bring my chest to about the floor. Made it through the first 3 sets unbroken on those, and then I had to break them up. Pushed hard on the 500m row at the end, was pretty gassed though, and my posterior chain was pretty cooked, I pulled a 1:46, nothing spectacular that’s for sure. Solid training, and happy with my performance given my lack of energy, and hoping my knees are all good. Cheers.

– Jade