Feeling better again this morning. Got up early for me, and felt great. Had a solid breakfast, and ate well throughout the day. All paleo again today so I’m 3 solid days back on the paleo wagon. Still sore this morning, most of the soreness in my traps and lower back are gone, but my hamstrings, adductors, lats and chest are all quite sore still. I couldn’t do the WOD I wanted to today as I didn’t have anyone to help with timing. I was going to do a WOD with the same formatting as “The Chief” just with some different exercises, but I didn’t have anyone to do the timing so I did something different.


Single and Double-under Practice: 5 minutes

Hang Power Clean: 145×5, 145×5, 150×5

5 rounds AQAP:
10 Push Jerk 95lb
15 Sumo Deadlift High-Pull 95lb
20 Air Squats


I was a little tired today for my workout. I took a 90 minute nap this afternoon as I was feeling pretty beat and I worked out immediately upon waking. Jump rope practice was awful as usual. I got a whole 2 double-unders unbroken. Power cleans felt pretty good, didn’t chalk the first set so I didn’t put anymore weight on for the second set as I barely got the last rep. Chalked for the second set and wow, what a difference holding onto the bar. Bumped it up a little for the last set, probably could have gone up to 155. Met-con was solid, and tougher than expected. Push-jerks were easy enough, I did them all unbroken, although there was a little rest in transition to them. High-pulls were much tougher than I expected. I really felt the soreness in my hamstrings and my lats doing these, and they were broken up after the first set. Air squats were all unbroken, but a little slow the last couple of sets. Knees felt pretty good, and I actually wore the knee sleeves I bought during the workout to see if it helps with my knee problem which I believe to be a tracking issue. Workout was good considering I was feeling a little tired. I was beat afterward, and felt like I had definitely worked hard. Might hit up a double tomorrow, Bikram in the morning and a WOD in the evening. Cheers.

– Jade