Woke up this morning feeling pretty crappy again. Didn’t feel sick, but I felt tired and unmotivated. Was really contemplating not working out, but I pushed myself to workout, and I’m happy I did so. Ate strict paleo today, not a single cheat of any sort. Feel a lot better by the end of the day, but I can already feel the soreness creeping into my legs. I’m going to have trouble walking tomorrow.



For time:
Run 400m
Deadlift 225×30


For time:
Push-ups x 50
Air Squat x 100


Row 1K


This workout demolished me. My body was in a wrecked state for a solid hour afterward where I just wasn’t feeling right. I rested as needed between each met-con, ended up being about 7 minutes of rest between each one. This was definitely an awesome workout, and I’m happy with it as a variation for the circuit day I have programmed into my template. Was really happy with the 1st met-con, run was quick, deadlifts went 21 straight, then 4, and 5 to finish. Lower back was on fire afterward. #2 was difficult, push-ups were just plain slow taking about 2 minutes, and squats were really rough, squats went 50, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10. Last but not least the rower destroyed me. I was pretty worked at this point and the rower polished me off. Good slow time of 1:53 500m time. Last time I did Jackie I rowed a 1:47 average, so not too far off given what I had already done. Solid, solid workout and looking forward to some more tomorrow. Cheers.

– Jade