Wow, so sore this morning. I forgot to mention the last couple of days, but my abs are still a little sore from Sunday. My quads are currently destroyed, and my lower back and hams are pretty worked. Surprised my traps aren’t more sore given all the deadlifts yesterday along with the rowing. Body definitely was feeling a bit run down when I woke up, and I could have used a little more sleep, but I got up and worked out shortly after waking on an empty stomach. Had been about 12 hrs since I ate, but I felt good and strong, despite feeling a little tired. It’s still early in the day, so far paleo thus far.


Rings Dip : 5, 5, 5, 6, 6

Barbell Stiff Leg Deadlift: 135×8,8,8,8,8

Barbell Row: 185×5,5,5,5,5

Pretty solid training today. Ring Dips felt pretty strong, first set felt really strong. I wanted to up the reps a little from the 5 scheme but figured I give myself a few sets to settle in and then see what I had in me. Barely made the 6th rep on the last set, it was a struggle. I went easy on the SLDL, I want to walk tomorrow, and I think the weight was more then enough given how hard I hit my posterior chain yesterday. Was brining the bar to about an inch above the ground. Rows also felt good and strong, they were definitely taxing on my lower back. Good to see I can row my body-weight with good form for some reps. Solid workout, certainly no cardio aspect to it, but my sets were all good, all good weights, and I think it was a very beneficial workout. Cheers.

– Jade.