Still damn sore this morning. Lats and core aren’t too bad anymore, but my chest is still wrecked. Ate very poorly at work yesterday. I really can’t wait until I am able to stop working at the restaurant so I’m not around that food all the time. Did some strength work, and actually did stuff with the legs. Focused on posterior chain so I think my knees should be okay given the exercises.


Deadlift: 315×3, 315×3, 325×3, 335×3, 345×3

Alternating DB Lunges: 40×8, 8, 8

Overall felt pretty good with the training. My first set of deads felt really weak, but I think it was just my body not quite being ready to lift heavy weight. The other 4 sets felt strong. Good to see I haven’t lost too much strength given my limited lower body training. I think I could definitely pull 355×3, maybe 365×3, so I think my max is probably still around 385. Lunges were tough, and really felt them on the hamstrings and glutes. These weren’t walking, step and bring the foot back, that bring the foot back really fires the hamstrings a lot which is something that I need. Overall felt pretty good. Going to be a rest day tomorrow, and then training Friday. Cheers.

– Jade