Although many may see her as a Coach, Laura was and is a member of Champlain Valley CrossFit, as well as a coach, competitor, ambassador and member of this amazing community.

Dear Champlain Valley CrossFit,

After over a year of membership at Champlain Valley CrossFit, it is time for me to FINALLY express my gratitude to our community publicaly. Many of you were part of an exhilarating weekend at the North East Regional competition. The energy that we shared as a group was overwhelming. However, it wasn’t until the other morning when I walked back into our gym after a very fulfilling weekend to witness over forty Champlain Valley CrossFitters fully engrossed in the blood, sweat and tears of our traditional Memorial Day Murph, did the emotions from the weekend finally hit me. At that moment and with tears welling in my eyes, I knew with all of my heart that I am the luckiest woman on the earth to be a part of Champlain Valley CrossFit. For that, I thank EVERY Champlain Valley CrossFit member.

Thank you for being the most welcoming and supportive group of people I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. Because of your generosity of spirit, I have found a community at Champlain Valley CrossFit that I have been searching for my whole adult life. Every day, we share our stories and our laughter so that we can endure the challenges of CrossFit together. Every day, we can come together to push our bodies and our minds while taking care to encourage each other along the way. Thank you for providing me with a CrossFit home that is so compassionate.

Thank you for being a community of people who supports one another in our varied training and competitive goals. Every Champlain Valley CrossFit member has different goals in CrossFit and in life, yet we are secure enough in ourselves to support one another. We take the time to know each other’s goals and to celebrate our progress. Moreover, we understand the challenges of setbacks and we encourage each other through hardships. We have so many members who energize our community as they work through difficulties in training and in life. Thank you for being the most positive and motivating group of people in my life!

Thank you for inspiring our Champlain Valley CrossFit Team to compete hard and to fight to the end this weekend at the North East Regional competition. I absolutely loved every moment that I was able to compete for Champlain Valley CrossFit. I am so fortunate to be able to represent our gym in competition and do what I love most – CrossFit! It was the greatest thrill of my life to be able to pour my heart into the workouts and give it my all for our team and our gym. I have never been so appreciative and humbled as I was this weekend. It was an absolute dream come true to compete at Regionals with all of the encouragement from our members who took the time out of their lives to be at the event. Any success that our team achieves is a direct result of the support of our Champlain Valley CrossFit community. Thank you for all the enthusiasm, camaraderie and work ethic that you show day in and day out at the gym. Thank you for giving me this CrossFit life?


Laura Matuszak