Day 1 of Regionals is in the books. We are all back at the apartment we rented in Boston, eating, and cleaning and resting up for another big day tomorrow. I couldn’t be more proud of how everyone did, and couldn’t be more lucky to be able to work, train, and coach with these amazing people.

As of right now we sit tied for 3rd place. 1st place sits with 7 points, at 2nd place there are 3 teams tied with 10 points, and in 3rd place there is CVCF and another team tied with 13 points.

Workout #1, probably one of the hardest workouts for our team went great. Despite a few no reps, everyone kept their composure, all 4 members hammered through the deadlifts, Dani covered all 40 HSPU’s with Nate doing almost as many, and everyone pushed hard right to the end, which left us in 10th place for the workout.

Workout #2 was one I personally felt strongly about and one I felt we could do quite well on. We did just that, finishing in 17:37, a time that would have won the event in many regions, left us in 3rd place for the workout. Everyone hammered the row with Trevor hitting a nice 3:12 1000m row to start things, Laura picked up her row a little from training and cycled the pistols quickly, with Del almost going unbroken on the 225lbs Hang Cleans because they “felt light,” and Dani finishing with 15 unbroken Hang Cleans at 135lbs. The team did exactly what they needed to do, stuck to the game plan, pushed themselves hard, and came out at the top.

Rest of the photos will be up on Facebook shortly
– Jade