So I just wanted to say it was awesome to have everybody in here training this summer, and it was great to see those of you who decided to follow the Wendler program be so dedicated to it. I can tell you it paid off, you are all stronger, you may have gone up 5% on a lift or maybe 20%, regardless of what you gained, a gain is a gain and you have to cherish whatever it is you can get.

On Monday the 29th, (tomorrow), we will be doing the CrossFit total. This is very important for all of you to come in and do. Whether it’s you’re first time or third time it is an important benchmark for all of you. In addition for those of you who come to the gym a bunch they will be important numbers to have. We will be doing a mishmash of programming this coming week, and then starting the week of Labor Day, September 5th I will be implementing a new design/structure of programming.

Whether you come 2, 3 or 5 days a week you will continue to benefit greatly from the training here at Champlain Valley CrossFit. Whether you come to CrossFit for CrossFit as a sport, for CrossFit to help supplement your other activities, or for CrossFit as your physical fitness program, I will be doing my best to offer you the best possible programming and training.

Our new programming cycle will run on a 3 week rotation. I’m not going to divulge everything about it, but a couple of key points about it. The Saturday workouts will remain the same as a longer workout, some think that means harder, I don’t necessarily believe that, but Saturday’s will remain a long workout. This means the gym’s programming will be based around a 5 day cycle, Monday-Friday. I will be doing my absolute best to program in a manner that allows people to train Monday-Friday. This doesn’t mean those of you who only come 2 or 3 days a week will be missing anything, it just means I will be doing my best to structure workouts in a manner that folks can come 5 days in a row.

A lot of you really seemed to enjoy the Wendler program, and I want to make sure we kept a little bit of that in our new programming. Throughout our 3 week cycle, every Wednesday will be similar to your Wendler programming. It is important that if you want to get the most out of it, and you are a person that comes every Wednesday that you come in and do the CrossFit Total tomorrow. In our 3 week cycle your strength work on Wednesday’s will be the following

Week 1  – Wednesday – Back Squat
Week 2 – Wednesday – Strict Press
Week 3 – Wednesday – Deadlift

The rep scheme you will be following on those days will be…

5 @ 65% of 1RM
5 @ 70% of 1 RM
3 @ 75% of 1RM
3 @ 80% of 1RM
1 @ 85% of 1RM
Max reps @ 90% of 1RM

So it is going to be important to have your CrossFit Total numbers to find the above numbers. If you are someone who plans on being in the gym every Wednesday I suggest you find the above numbers after we do the CrossFit total, and round them all to the nearest 2.5.

Since we are running a 3 week cycle we will be rolling through these movements every 3 weeks. There will be some basic guidelines to adjusting your numbers after the first cycle. Every cycle you will add weight to your previous cycle’s numbers.

For the deadlift and squat…

If your 1RM is >200lbs add 10lbs to each set at the start of a new cycle.
If your 1RM is <200lbs add 5lbs to each set at the start of a new cycle. For the press… If your 1RM is >95lbs add 5lbs to each set at the start of a new cycle.
If your 1RM is <95lbs and 2.5lbs to each set at the start of a new cycle. Again our programming will be running on a 3 week cycle, so if you’re going to be here on Wednesday’s make sure you have that information. And with that, you’ve got all the information you’ll need for the programming. Just remember we will be doing the best to make you the fittest people you can be with the best strength and conditioning program that we are able to offer. Cheers. – Jade