
So a few notes for everybody. We are through 4 weeks of the Hatch Cycle and you guys are all killing it. I feel like my squats are already getting stronger and we’ve still got 8 weeks left. A quick note, on Monday and Friday when we squat, we’ve got a lot to get through, please show up to class ready to go and please be timely when doing the squats. While many of you don’t need to get out of class right away, we have many who depend on class taking only an hour.

This last 4 weeks I’ve been programming an emphasis of Olympic lifting in the met-cons, with lots of shoulder work, and our other strength work as pressing/overhead work. Through the next 4 weeks you guys will see the met-cons geared towards conditioning. Yes, every Met-con is conditioning, but there are some Met-cons that leave you lying on the ground at the end feeling like you’re lungs are going to come out of your throat, and there are others that are good conditioning, but because of the movements, weights, etc. you just can’t push yourself that hard. The next 4 weeks the goal will be to have lots of Met-cons that really push that peak threshold. With that being said heavy weights won’t disappear from the Met-cons, but they won’t be as frequent as they were the last 4 weeks. Our other strength days will be geared towards your Olympic lifting, and we will still be fitting in a little press work here and there.

I’m going to do my best to try and continue to provide you guys with solid programming, and really going to put an emphasis on the lungs in your workouts for the next 4 weeks. Hope you like it.

The Vermonster:

The Vermonster at the Confluence in Barre is this Saturday. If any of you are thinking about doing a competition in the future (we will likely be holding one November/December) this would be a good opportunity to come watch and see what it’s like. With that said, this Thursday, the 23rd, I will do a review of movements for those competing at 6:30 PM. Come in and Dani and I will try and answer any questions you guys have, hopefully show you some effeciency tips and get you guys ready. For those competing you should be resting Friday and doing something active/recovery on Thursday, i.e. come in and review the movements.

2 Year Anniversary:

September 1st is going to mark 2 years of Champlain Valley CrossFit being open. We are going to do a workout and Potluck on Friday, the 31st at 5:45 PM. We’d love to see as many of you as possible in, and please feel free to bring in anyone you’d like. Bring food, beverages, or both…will there be enough people that we should get a keg?

– Jade