First and foremost I just want to say how proud I am of everybody for doing such an amazing job this weekend. You all poured it out and gave it your all over the course of the weekend on multiple workouts. In addition I have to say I’m so thankful to have so many amazing people in the gym that have helped form such an awesome community, and not just the folks that competed, everyone! I don’t think a single person regretted competing this weekend, even though many of them were extremely nervous going into the event, I feel like they would all tell you guys to compete yourselves. With that I strongly encourage you all to consider doing a competition. Whether it’s going to an actual event or doing the CrossFit Open, I believe it’s a great test both mentally and physically. I will try and get pictures up on the website and facebook in the next couple of days.

Women’s Rx’d:
Dani 1st
Kristi 12th
Men’s Rx’d:
Trevor 2nd
Ryan Lunny 36th
Del Randall 50th
Elliott Morgan 72nd
Bart 90th (Bart wasn’t able to compete Sunday because of his back so I’m sure we would have been up a bunch of spots had he been able to do the last workout)
Women’s Scaled:
Kathy Allen 7th
Tanya Noyes 14th
Kris 18th
Monica 19th
– Jade