Category: events

CVCF Gym Update – 8/12/20

It’s a hot one today, make sure you guys are getting your liquids and electrolytes in! It’s been a couple of weeks since we’ve sent any updates out to you guys and we finally have some news for you. Nothing earth shattering but all important stuff for you all to know about. Programming First we wanted to give you all a heads up that we’ve gotten around to putting our thoughts and ideas on paper, and while very delayed have written out a new break-down of what, why, how our programming works. This is a great update for EVERYONE to read, especially those of you who have joined us as new athletes since we opened back up. We hope this helps give you all some direction in your training, and allows you to put some thought into what you’re doing with your time…

BLM Shirts, Equipment Pick-up, and More

I hope you are all enjoying what has certainly been a beautiful weekend. Make sure you are staying hydrated…often dehydration can catch-up to you a day or two down the road. Just wanted to get a couple of quick notes out to everyone. As always if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask. BLM Shirts The Black-on-Black CVCF shirts we printed to raise money finally came in. They will be available for pick-up starting tomorrow during your class times. We were able to raise and will be donating $500 to the local BLM chapter. We ordered just a few extras that are currently hanging on the shirt rack, if you want one feel free to grab them, there aren’t many. Equipment Pick-up for Home Packages Now that we’ve gotten all of the gear that just came from Rogue un-packed, we’re ready to…

Gym Update and Holiday Schedule Reminder

I hope you’re all having a fabulous weekend, and are able to get outside this morning before the rain comes through. As we roll into the holiday week a couple of quick notes/reminders. Class Sign-up – Late Cancels Please a reminder to everyone, as we had a number of people do this Saturday morning. This isn’t something we wanted to start having to institute but we will begin doing so starting this week. We had 6 individuals cancel their spots yesterday within 60-90 minutes of classes starting. Both of these were full classes. Going forward if you late cancel (2 hours before the class starts), and the class is full you will be charged $20. This isn’t something we wanted to have to institute, but given we are restricted on attendance this is a must as we had individuals who would have liked…

CVCF Class & Schedule Updates

Wow, what a scorcher this past week, and it looks like more is coming. We’ve started Monday morning out pretty busy, great to see people still getting in and getting after it. With that said, whether you’re training or not, everyone is sweating a lot more in all aspects of their life right now because of the heat. Make sure you guys are hydrating, and getting electrolytes in either through supplementation to your water, or through food. A few updates below for you guys. Thanks so much for a great first couple of weeks, it has been great having everyone back and seeing people again. New Class Time Starting this week we will be making the 8:15 AM slot on Wednesday a Class instead of an Open Gym slot. As always you can still come in and do Open Gym at any of…

1 Week Down – Gym Updates

I hope everyone is enjoying the sunny weather today before we plunge back into winter tomorrow, kidding, kind of. Going to start this e-mail off with something a little different. I truly believe in our facility and members as being a community, an incredibly tight knit one in many cases, so I feel despite the fact the we are a business I feel obligated to say something regarding this. Like many of the small business owners out there we are personally dealing with a large re-structure to how our business runs and I feel we are leaps and bounds ahead of where the other gyms in our area are when it comes to the function and setup of our business. As we’ve all started to be able to come out of our quarantine and start to get some normalcy in our life, I’m…